About natasha hickman

I am a student from Sioux Central and I'm 17 years old and I'm a Junior.

Mark Twain Assigment

Real name: Samuel Langhorne Clemens

 5 facts :

5 pounds at birth

was premature

Moved to Hannibal

Had a brother who  published a journal

Mark was a Pilot of a  steam Boat.

Pen name:

Nicole Koeppen


” Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”


Who Owns the Land ?

This question may have many answers. But in my eyes I Believe the Indians are the rightful owners to this land. They were raised on this land and had grown and built on this land. And we took that from them  by building  on this land and taking the food they had once had. We killed almost all of the buffalo and other animals and now to day they are not around for us to enjoy. I believe and I strongly believe that  the Indians should own this land and should have still owned this land. And maybe this land would be in better health if they still were in charge.